sunday worship

what to expect

Sunday worship gatherings at Victorious Life focus on the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and are characterized by genuine thanksgiving, joyful celebration, and reverent worship of Him. Upon entering the church building you’ll notice that our informal setting and casual dress help to create an inviting atmosphere where people from all walks of life can comfortably come together for worship, fellowship, and encouragement. We celebrate the Lord's supper together on the first Sunday of each month and enjoy an extended time of fellowship over bagels and coffee after service. All are welcome to join us for our Sunday worship services and we encourage everyone to invite their friends and family to come and be our guest!

worship & Praise

We express worship to God through prayer, communion, singing, dancing, raising of hands, clapping, giving, and other expressions found in the scriptures. We appreciate a variety of music from contemporary worship music authors, historical hymns of the Christian faith, and our own original songs. A live worship band with singers and musicians playing guitars, bass, drums, and keyboards helps to lead the congregation in Christ-centered praise and worship each Sunday morning. 

preaching & Teaching

Our pastors are each gifted preachers and teachers and often accompany their messages with real-life illustrations and stories. While each of the pastors has a unique style, they share the goal of offering Christ-centered messages rooted in the scriptures with practical applications of the gospel for everyday life.

prayer & spiritual gifts

We invite the presence and ministry of the Holy Spirit in our Sunday worship. Our gatherings incorporate personal testimony, encouragement, prayer, ministry for the sick and needy, and the invitation to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 

communion & Water baptism

We celebrate Communion regularly on the first Sunday of each month and at various services throughout the year as a celebration of the gospel and to remember the wondrous love of our Savior. We schedule water baptisms in the spring and fall and as needed during the year for those coming to faith in Christ. 

nursery & children's ministry

Our Children’s Church meets during the Sunday preaching portion of the service and offers an excellent program with classes for each age group from nursery through middle school. Our nursery is available to children 1-3 years of age.